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Live Virtual Talk: The Truth about Jack the Ripper.

Saturday 26 October 2024.

A 90 minute illustrated talk by crime historian Adam Wood, who will reveal the truth behind the Whitechapel murders, the reality of life in the East End and the victims’ stories.


Along the way Adam will strip away the layers of myth and misunderstanding which have become attached to the case over more than 130 years.

7.30pm Part One

8.30pm Interval

9.00pm Part Two

9.30pm: End

Q&A via Facebook comments in the private group.

The virtual talk will be broadcast live in a private group on Facebook, access to which will be granted before the event.

The live talk will be automatically recorded, and left up in the private group for seven days for catch-up or rewatching before being deleted.

Cost £5.00 - please use the Buy Now button, remembering to include your Facebook profile name so that you can be added to the group.

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